Americans Respond to Woke Corporate Leaders by Funding Republicans with Loads of Cash

Over the course of the last few years, we have seen the CEOs of various corporations publicly declaring that they will stop supporting Republicans. After the supposed January 6th “insurrection” at the Capitol, CEOs were tripping over themselves to stop giving to Republicans. It sounded like a death knell for Republican fundraising. But, two months later, the threat has turned out to be an empty one. Apparently, everyday Americans pack a much bigger punch than woke business CEOs. And they are just getting started.

If anything, the GOP has been rewarded for refusing to back down on things like election fraud. When the cancel culture came calling, leaders like Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) were not intimidated. They just dug in harder. Now, the conservatives who stood up to the bullies are reaping the benefits.

In the weeks since the inauguration, Republicans have seen a surge of donations, “more than offsetting the loss of corporate money,” Newsmax reports. In fact, the evidence suggests the boycott by woke corporate America has awakened Americans who are tired of the Left and their elite corporate friends pushing their anti-American drivel. They are now giving big-time to political leaders who are pushing back on the Left.

Contributions from small and big donors alike have been pouring into Republican headquarters, as more people see the danger of the Left’s agenda. “The Democrats have become our best fundraisers,” fundraiser Fred Zeidman half-joked. And the evidence is everywhere.

Even more incredibly, most of these donations are smaller, $200 or less. The sheer number of people giving to the conservative cause is offsetting the punch that corporate America thought they had. As Reuters points out, “The biggest beneficiaries of raising small donor donations are often rabble-rousing politicians who vow to take on the Washington establishment.” A lot of the credit for this ground game belongs to Donald Trump, Reince Priebus says. He was capable — not just connecting with everyday people but motivating them to donate. “He built this small-dollar giving operation,” Reince explained, that taught the party a lot.

Even now, with Trump out of office, the individual donations streaming into the Republican Party and its committees is record-breaking. That’s even more unbelievable when you consider the great pains Democrats have taken to shame conservatives and anyone who supports them. Two months in, that seems to have backfired, Reince points out, because “for the first time in a long time, the Republican Party is going toe-to-toe with the Democratic Party on giving.”

That ought to be a huge encouragement to every conservative who is frustrated by the media, Big Business, and the cancel culture. Everything you give to Christian candidates for office or to organizations who are advocating for biblical truth in the public square, makes a difference. And no gift is too small! For more details and a video interview with Reince Priebus, Click Here