Election Fraud Beyond a Reasonable Doubt – Part 4

Patrick Colbeck, former state senator in Michigan.

Patrick volunteered to be a poll challenger in Detroit AV Counting board in Wayne Michigan for the November 2020 election. He is not only a member and official from the Michigan Elections Reform Board, but also a Microsoft Networks career professional. This makes him not only an expert in Michigan election laws. It also provides him expertise in online / network systems / network configurations in the world of IT.

His role as the Elections Reform Board was to specialize in “the hand-off of vote tally information throughout the system”.

While working as an observer, he saw evidence that the polling system(s) were connected to the internet. This is something that is not permitted, and something that officials denied was happening.

Next is an interview with Mellissa Carone, an IT professional and Dominion Systems whistleblower. She was hired by Dominion Systems to work the election center in Michigan. She observed tens of thousands of mail-in-ballots being run through Dominion ballot scanners. During her more than twenty hours of observations, she never once saw a scanned ballot that was for President Trump. Furthermore, she witnessed poll workers who were NOT following the correct procedure when scanning the ballots. About every twenty ballot scans, one would jam. The correct process is to “discard” the previous scan and then re-scan the ballot. No one was choosing to discard before rescanning the ballot, potentially counting the same ballot twice. Each batch run through the scanner/tabulator is limited to fifty ballots. She approached a manager at one point, because a tabulator that scanned fifty ballots showed a total of more than 400 ballots read. The manager was a part owner of Dominion. He pulled Ms. Carone aside and said, “I don’t want to hear about any problems. We are only here to assist with IT work”.

Next is an interview with Matt Deperno and attorney with Atrim County MI.

Attorney Matthew Deperno to release the findings from their forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim County, MI where thousands of votes flipped from President Trump to Joe Biden on November 3, 2020.

In this portion of the attached video, Matthew Deperno walks us through the evidence of votes being flipped from Trump to Biden down to the individual precinct level.

For example, a hand recount in Atrim County MI revealed 3,200 votes that were never recorded. Dominions systems stated the total votes in this county was 12,278 votes; 7769 for Biden and 4509 for Trump. But a manual recount found the vote total to be 15,718; 5,959 for Biden and 9,759 for Trump. In reality Trump won Atrim County. The win recorded for Biden that was certified is not true.

He also hired data / IT forensic scientists to audit and review the election machines, their data, and the chain of custody for both ballots and data files. This audit revealed many irregularities, including concrete evidence that systems files, data files, and adjudication files were deleted from the main dominion server for Atrim county and precisely 11:03 PM on November 4th.

Then you will see pages from the Dominion Systems manual on… wait for it… “How to connect a Dominion device to the internet”. This was originally a training video that featured Eric Coomer, Director of Production Strategy and Security Systems at Dominion. The original video has conveniently been removed from YouTube, but we have captured it. These systems ARE NOT allowed to be connected to the internet.

It would appear that the fraudulent ballots in Atrim County and others counted at the TFC Center is Detroit MI were from various types of fraud.

On Wednesday morning, November 4th President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes.

Video surveillance captured several van loads of ballots arriving at the TFC Center between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 AM.

At least three election observers later testified in sworn affidavits that they witnessed vehicles delivering fraudulent ballots to the TCF Center early in the morning on November 4th.

Michigander Shane Trejo witnessed the 3:30 am Biden Ballot Drop that gave Joe Biden an outstanding lift. “There were thousands of ballots in each box,” Trejo says. “There were at least 50 boxes that I saw unloaded at 3:30 am, well after the 8:00 pm deadline for ballots to show up.”

Links & Sources:

STUNNING TESTIMONY: Michigan Election Observer Shane Trejo Witnessed Drivers Bring in 50 Boxes of “Absentee Ballots” After Midnight Deadline into Detroit TCF Center at 3:30am

EXCLUSIVE: Suspicious Vehicle Seen Escorting Late Night Biden Ballot Van at TCF Center on Election Night (VIDEO)

Mellissa Carone, an IT professional and Dominion Systems whistleblower.

GOP Candidate Mellissa Carone Says Her Goal Is to Make Sure Dominion Voting Machines Are Removed from all Michigan Voting Stations

FOX News and FBN Block Attorney Matthew Deperno From Appearing on Hannity and Lou Dobbs after Explosive Antrim County IT Report on Dominion Voting Machines

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: MI Judge Grants Attorney Matt DePerno Permission to RELEASE Results of Forensic Examination On 16 Dominion Voting Machines In Antrim Co. [VIDEO]