How to Destroy a Country from Within

By Mark Levin (FNC monologue, October 23, 2022) – emphasis added mine.

If you wanted to destroy America, how would you do it? Let me suggest that America is being destroyed. If you want to destroy America, then you vote Democrat.

Their policies and programs are delusional and destructive, and they are dismantling the most fabulous nation on earth right before our eyes. Capitalism stands in the way of a planned socialist economy which they support so they seek to deconstruct capitalism in order to fundamentally transform America. One can only seize power by perverting and sabotaging our constitutions legal and voting systems. That’s what they’re doing. The American people have not knowingly or voluntarily surrendered their liberty, property, society, and constitution to the reprobate malcontents within the Democrat party who are among us. It’s a slow process, and it’s packaged in deceit. propaganda and lies.

You are said to be the beneficiary of these designs when in fact you are the targets. The Democrat party doesn’t seek to improve society it seeks to destroy it and replace it. The Democrat party sees economic struggles and even impoverishment resulting from their policies and programs as a necessary condition to imposing its ideological ends and imagined paradise on an unwilling and unsuspecting people.

It is therefore necessary to use taxes, regulations, executive orders; a massive bureaucracy issuing hundreds and hundreds of dictates to reorder society and the government. It is necessary to silence, humiliate and shame millions of clear voices as conformity is essential. Therefore, you need truth squads which is the government working with silicon valley oligarchs and the like. It is necessary to squelch knowledge and actual science, impose doctrines and change the language to control direct and manipulate the people.

It is essential to use the police powers of the federal government against your opponents, real and perceived. Parents, pro-lifers, peaceful protesters, the political opposition, a former president of the United States. It’s necessary that the media be compliant with your means and your ends, helping to brainwash the public, reward compliance with fawning coverage, and to smear and libel those who dissent or resist.

It is necessary to dismantle the nuclear family by using government schools controlled by the Democrat party through their union bosses to promote racism, sexuality, perversion and to prevent parents from participating in raising their children. It is necessary to dumb down the children to ensure that they are not smart, and their test scores are low in order to have a more malleable and compliant future generation.

It is necessary to dismantle American history, which is exactly what’s being done. You lie about the founding. You shred the Declaration and the Constitution. You rewrite history and eviscerate the founders by substituting 1776 with 1619.

You replace real history books with racist propaganda and especially in school libraries with sexually explicit pornography. You pull down the monuments to expunge history. You destroy the homes and the legacies of Jefferson the author of the Declaration, and Madison the main figure behind the Constitution.

It is necessary to hollow out the military with wokeism and vaccine mandates, to crush local law enforcement and centralize police powers at the FBI, the American Stassi, and the Department of Justice. It is necessary to unleash anarchy and lawlessness in our cities and neighborhoods, to cause people to be upset with the existing society and the status quo, and to want revolutionary change.

It is necessary to destroy national sovereignty with open borders, create chaos on our southern border with sex trade, violence, fentanyl, drug cartels, chaos, and anarchy.

This is how you destroy a country from within. This is the issue before our current election.

Every single problem we face in a significant magnitude to our very existence as a free and prosperous people, as a sovereign nation, is being created by one party, and only one party… the Democrat party. And of course, their supporters in the American media.

The good news is we can stop this. We can stop this by sending a clear message from the voting booth two weeks from today and again in November of 2024. Now go do the right thing.