Once Again: Radical Big-Spending Leftist Democrats Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

When we begin to hear about people, families, single mothers and fathers, and small business going under in the next few weeks… PLEASE remember which party in Washington DC is playing pure politics instead of actually helping the American people during the economic catastrophe brought on by State, County and Municipal elected officials.

Now Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, et al in the Democrat controlled House of Representatives is holding us all hostage to a radical and irresponsible Big GovCo. spending plan.

Remember the famous line of former Obama White House Chief of Staff and powerful big city radical democrat mayor Rahm Emanuel shared in a transparent moment of honesty; “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.

Well in this case; it’s a manmade crisis – a crisis created by the big spending radical democrat mayors and governors in the first place. They created the crises with their botch’s response and lockdowns of business, and with their decades of irresponsible spending of taxpayer money.

They want $3.4 Trillion to bail out Democrat controlled cities that were already in terrible fiscal shape for years and even decades prior to Covid19. These cities have been controlled and managed by Democrats for decades. They gave each of these localities’ massive debt, high crime, terrible schools, and in many cases a much higher cost of living due to a laundry list of punitive taxes that such the life out of citizens.

“Extending the popular Payroll Protection Program is one of the few areas of agreement between the White House and Democrats in the latest proposed coronavirus stimulus — a spending bill criticized by many in the Republican base as a wasteful bailout for cities and states.”

“Administration and banking industry sources say Senate Republicans‘ proposal to extend the PPP, which is set to expire this week, for companies with fewer than 300 employees and a reduction of 50% or more in revenue is accepted in principle in the talks.”

“But the provision, which also offers more generous terms for loan forgiveness, could get sidetracked by Democrats’ insistence on an overall $3.4 trillion package that would includemassive aid for states and cities. The White House opposes the state and local aid as a “bailout.””

Nearly every Democrat leading the charge on this are the very same leaders who passed legislation and implemented programs during the eight years of the Obama Administration. How did that work out? Our national debt more than tripled from $9 trillion to $19 trillion dollars. Did citizens reap benefits? No. Forty million more ended up on food stamps, the average cost of healthcare insurance more than doubled. Your tax dollars were given to all sorts of special interest pet projects from Big Pharma, the Solar & Wind Energy industry, environmental groups, and even foreign nations who are both human rights violators and have no interest in supporting and partnering with the United States for anything worthwhile to any of our nations.

And YES! The pork spending package they are holding us all hostage over will provide $Billions to UN member nations who hate our guts, chant “death to America” and are some of the worst human rights violators on earth.

“Mr. Meadows said they are still “a long ways away from striking any kind of deal.”

“The president said Tuesday evening that progress was being made in the talks, but Democrats’ plan to bail out cities and states was a sticking point.”

“They’re looking for a trillion dollars to help out with cities run by Democrats, in some cases radical left Democrats,” Mr. Trump said.”

Locate your Congressional Representatives here with your zip code. Send them all and email demanding that they do not allow this insanity.

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