Trump Censored by Twitter for Truth while Michael Moore is not Censored for Praising Violence

Director Michael Moore told fans Thursday night that he is thrilled that arsonists decided to raze Minneapolis’ “evil police precinct” linked to former Officer Derek Chauvin.

The very same week, Twitter censored and “Fact-Checked” President Trump when he Tweeted that all mail-in ballot voting in November would lead to massive fraud. Something we have ample evidence for.

In fact, just this past week Paterson NJ held a special election with all mail-in ballots due to Coronavirus. The voters, grassroots and others are now demanding that the election get a do-over because 1 in 5 ballots have been found to be fraudulent.

Last week an Ex-Philly election official plead guilty to stuffing ballot boxes for Democrats.

But when a darling of the Progressive movement Michael Moore calls rioters and arsonists “good citizens” and all cops “evil”, Twitter doesn’t censor him or fact-check him.

Are you beginning to see that Trump is right to call out social media platforms and use government authority to insist they comply with the Communications Decency Act of 1996?

Twitter, Facebook, and other big social media tech companies want it both ways. They don’t get to have it both ways.
