Michigan Republican Election Officials Harassed, Called Racists and Doxxed by Intolerant Democrat Colleagues

This is a clarion example of the unacceptable behavior now happening frequently from unhinged democrats. People being harassed, called racist and threatened because they have legitimate concerns over ballots. After being bullied and threatened, these courageous election workers did not back down. And the nasty democrats who bullied them suddenly had a change of tune when the Trump campaign legal team started filling a lawsuit challenging the ballots in question.

The two Republicans on Michigan’s Wayne County Board of Canvassers appeared on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” on Thursday to discuss county ballot discrepancies and what they described as a public bullying campaign that followed a brief deadlock to certify the vote.

Monica Powell and William C. Hartmann said they reluctantly found themselves in the national spotlight earlier this week after they refused to certify ballots in Michigan’s most populous county, which includes Detroit. They said in an affidavit that they observed about 71% of Detroit’s 134 Absent Counting Boards “were left unbalanced and unexplained.”

But what happened after the deadlock seemed to eclipse the news of the stalemate. Powell and Hartmann said Democrats called them racists, accusing them of refusing to accept ballots from predominately African-American communities in an alleged effort to suppress the vote. Both have denied the accusations.

The situation gained media attention after a viral video showed Ned Staebler, chief executive of TechTown and a poll challenger, criticizing the pair.

“The Trump stain, the stain of racism, that you — William Hartmann and Monica Palmer — have covered yourself in, is going to follow you throughout history,” Staebler said.

The democrats on Michigan’s Wayne County Board of Canvassers quickly reversed their arguments and agreed to not certify the vote until the ballots can be audited.

More video from Fox News Here:

Jenna Ellis, a senior legal adviser to the Trump 2020 campaign, told “Fox News @ Night” on Tuesday that the two Republicans on Michigan’s Wayne County Board of Canvassers involved in a brief deadlock in the county’s election certification process faced threats and allegations of racism before they agreed to certify the ballots.

Their decision to side with their Democrat colleagues was dramatic and viewed by conservatives on social media as a capitulation after a brutal, two-hour public pressure campaign.

Insisting that questionable ballots be reviewed or audited in NOT RACIST. It’s the standard, customary and proper process to ensure the integrity of an election.


https://www-foxnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.foxnews.com/media/michigan-gop-election-official-tells-laura-ingraham-she-was-doxed-over-certification-vote.amp?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=16058764636772&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fmedia%2Fmichigan-gop-election-official-tells-laura-ingraham-she-was-doxed-over-certification-vote