No More Malarkey Joe’s ‘Malarkey’ is Quickly Being Exposed

After less than three weeks in office, President Biden has imposed higher taxes on every American.

We are paying dramatically more for gasoline and heating oil.  In the North East this week, a gallon of gas costs 40 cents more than it did before Mr. Biden assumed office.

In the last month, the average price of gas nationwide has increased by 9.7%, to $2.46 per gallon.

You may remember that Biden promised not to raise taxes on working people.  But he had to know that by attacking the fossil fuel industry with Executive Orders, the oil companies would immediately begin stockpiling cash by raising fuel prices. Anyone with half a brain would know this.

So, because of a government mandate, we pay more on everyday necessities. The price of fuel effects the cost of myriad of other things we use every day. It even effects the cost of our food as prices will go up to cover the additional expense for fuel as our food is trucked to our local stores. I could go on and on.

It is what economists call an “indirect tax.”

Most folks have no idea what the deuce is happening even as their wallets are getting lighter. And plenty more tax increases are on the way.  You may have noticed Biden Is trying to secure about $4 trillion to fight Covid-19 and Climate Change.  But the country does not have an extra $4 trillion because the USA already owes close to $30 trillion, money it can never repay.

But Joe either doesn’t understand that or doesn’t care.

Sometime in the fall, when gas prices hit $3.50 a gallon, the 80 million people who voted for Joe Biden might begin to figure this all out.  But, of course, the corrupt media will not help them.  They will continue to provide Biden excuses and political cover. None of that will change the fact that by this time next year, millions of Americans who voted for joe will begin to express voter’s remorse.

But the folks may well turn on the President. Just as they have in California where uber-liberal Governor Gavin Newsom is about to be recalled. There will be a vote to boot him out by summer.  Many Californians have had enough.

Newsom, like Pritzker in Illinois and Cuomo in New York, has ruined his beautiful state. It’s all about getting high: high taxes, high crime, high numbers of homeless people invading neighborhoods; many of whom are literally high).

President Biden and every other politician should wise up and understand that Americans do not want to be deceived.  Yes, Biden is a massive tax and spend guy.  Every voter should have understood that despite Joe vocally denying he would cause any tax pain for workers. Which explains why Joe never answered any questions on the campaign trail about what he would do if elected President.

Joe said repeatedly that he is “for the little guy”. After less than a month, the record shows that’s total malarkey.

I said repeatedly during the 2020 campaign that Joe’s “no more malarkey” campaign tour was total malarkey.

Now the question becomes what are we going to do about it?