Why Leftists Have to Silence Free Speech

Various groups such as Pro-Islamic, LGTBTQ, and BLM are openly embracing and using Marxist tactics in order to silence those who disagree with them. I do not doubt that some of them would welcome full socialist Marxism. Ultimately however, people with a devotion to Islam are most likely embracing the tactics because it provides the best avenue to silence dissent of Islam… and silencing free speech is the only true way for any of these radical ideologies to ultimately win.

The trouble that BLM, woke progressives, and other radical ideologies all have in common is that the vast majority of everyday Americans actually believe in a free flow of ideas and debate, and will ultimately reject their worldview.

If these groups actually believed that their ideas are what is best, good, and correct, then they would have absolutely no problem welcoming free speech and public debate of ideas.

Throughout the history of socialism and other totalitarian regimes, the totalitarians themselves have always acted as if they are part of a supremacy of order. They believe that they have the right idea in their convictions that all of societies institutions, government or otherwise, would work perfectly if we only had the smartest people running them. They believe they can achieve a perfect utopian society if the “One” is achieved. Each different type of supremacy throughout the history of socialism and communism had a figure they adopted as the “One” they claimed to fight for in order to justify having the Supremacy.

For the Soviet Stalinists, it was the “worker,” the One that they focused on promoting to implement their Supremacy.  Remember the propaganda that the Soviet Union was a “worker’s paradise?”  Remember the Marxist cry “workers of the world, unite!” when the idea of unions was coming around?  You read about it in history books.

For the Nazis – yes, the Nazis were socialists, and, in their minds, they had supremacy overall – it was the “Aaryan” that they considered the One.  They centered their Supremacy around an Aaryan brotherhood and the Aaryan race, which they considered supreme over all others in their society.

Today, modern-day progressive Marxists also have a Supremacy movement no different than socialist groups from the past, and their One is the “Woke.”

Regardless of what they use as the “One”, each time it is always the collective (i.e., collectivism) having the ability to rule over the individual. The reason that has never worked, or never will work, in western society, and particularly in American, is because our Constitution and laws are designed to protect the individual from the majority, and from an out-of-control corrupt government.

Today, the “Woke Supremacist” in America believes no differently from past regimes throughout history.  All socialist supremacies are made up of globalists and they believe the world can live as one, as John Lennon used to sing. They think if they are able to put the smartest people in charge of world institutions the world would have peace at last.

However, most of them are intellectual midgets and cannot actually make arguments from facts, evidence, history, and policy points to convince people of common sense that their Utopian ideas will ever actually work. So… they have to silence speech.

In early January, Silicon Valley silenced the president. In unison, the social media giants, with an assist from Amazon and Apple, also eliminated their most popular conservative competitor and announced that their own moderation policies would now extend to other companies. Meanwhile, CNN openly called for Fox News to be banned from cable, while a major talk radio network issued new speech rules to its hosts, extending tech’s moderation policies to the offline world. Beyond all this, Congress and the European Union called for powerful new regulation of online speech.

Yet for most of their existence, social media platforms have largely avoided censoring elected officials in the U.S. even as they have deleted the accounts of foreign leaders. That all changed last year as Silicon Valley, for the first time, began labeling President Trump’s tweets as “disputed” and “false.” As progressive segments of the public embraced this new censorship, platforms moved from merely fact-checking posts to deleting them entirely and threatening to ban some lawmakers. They have outright silenced and cancelled countless individuals and organizations on various platforms.

The left and its propaganda arm, the establishment media, are now working hard to make it illegal, and get you banned from social media, to state the obvious fact that the election was corrupted. The Democrats are seeking to criminalize and penalize anyone who says the election was corrupted. Their “insurrection” hoax, and impeachment of the president without due process or giving him the chance to defend himself, is designed to shut down any and all talk of their infamous election fraud, for which evidence abounds.

This is not the behavior of people who know they won fair and square and are watching their opponents have a tantrum about it. This is the actions and behavior of the guilty.

As a handful of unelected billionaires declare sovereignty over digital speech, where might the coming months take us?

I predict that the biggest and most immediate battle we will face will be the battle to protect freedom of speech. It’s going to require all of us to take a bold and brave stand to protect the rights of individual free speech. Remember to let others know that we are ultimately protecting the speech of the radical leftists as well. The foundational idea of free speech is that we all have to be willing to hear from others and their ideas, even when we reject their views entirely.

We know that traditional American views of family, individual rights, smaller/less intrusive government; free markets and free men is what is best for all Americans. We believe in America First, and not the globalist collective. And the rip-roaring success of the last four years proved it in bold and full view of all Americans. That scares the daylights out of the radical leftists. Our radical opponents know they cannot win on the battlefield of ideas, so they are desperate to silence dissent. We won’t let that happen.