We Are the Resistance

While listening to the speakers at CPAC, it has become clear that the Democrats are the establishment.

What is also clear is that conservatives, libertarians, and Republicans are now the true counter-culture.

The “Left” is the establishment, and not just in Washington. It is clear that our education system, sports leagues, mainstream media, and entertainment are under the control and rulemaking of the left. Their control has now morphed into a fascist-like crackdown on opposing ideas, and a demanding that any dissent be censored and silenced. The leadership in media, in Congress and various public offices across the land are now spreading absolute false information and lies about anyone or any organization they see as the opposition.

Near-recent examples are plenty. Look no further than the ‘Trump colluded with Russians’ lie that was repeated for 3 or more years and is still being repeated today by some senior members of the MSM. There are even current members of Congress who are still repeating this lie. And those who are no longer repeating it have never once gone on the public airwaves or published a retraction or apology for believing the lies and repeating them.

Then there was the ‘Ukrainian quid-pro-quo’ lie, and the ‘Trump called for an insurrection’ lie.

Members of the mainstream media and entertainment used their misinformation platforms to spread even more lies just over the weekend.

Democrats know that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a likely future presidential prospect. CPAC confirmed that likelihood as it showed the attendees placed DeSantis as their second choice in a line-up of potential 2024 candidates that included Donald Trump. So… predictably, DeSantis is under attack, and the lefts weapon of choice… more lies.

Democrats have been doing all they can during the pandemic to try to attack the Florida Governors response to it and contrast him to the “hero” who they fashioned in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo. But now Cuomo has imploded in all kinds of scandal, from the nursing home scandal, to threats and the sexual harassment allegations.

“The sole Democrat elected to statewide office in Florida is calling on the U.S. House of Representatives coronavirus committee to investigate the state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, for ‘alleged political favoritism’ in coronavirus vaccine distribution,” Yahoo reports. “That call comes in a letter that Florida’s agriculture commissioner, Nikki Fried, will send on Monday morning to Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., who heads the coronavirus committee, and Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, its ranking Republican member.”

Humiliated Democrats Want to Launch an ‘Investigation’ into Ron DeSantis

God forbid that Gov. Ron DeSantis actually prioritized vaccinations for the elderly first in Florida! And, DeSantis said they would likely start lowering the age requirement in March, and that it would likely be widely available in April. For the love of humanity! How irresponsible can Gov. DeSantis be? (notice my dripping sarcasm!)

Another recent example of the lies and attacks… The Washington Post published claims that the stage at CPAC this week was specifically designed to resemble a Nazi symbol. WAPO staff and others then began calling the management at the Hyatt in Orlando where CPAC was hosted and demanding answers.

Brandon Morse of RedState wrote about emotional leftist attempts to go after the hotel with threats of boycotts, and then received well-deserved push-back from the Hyatt corporate heads. Hyatt declared they were not going to bow to the faux outrage. So, the Washington Post decided to make another attempt at making the accusation stick.

If once your lies do not succeed… try, try again.

The ongoing cancelation of all things conservative and those of us who advocate for conservatism requires attacking or intimidating anyone who works with conservatives. But while many have collapsed in a pile of spineless jello at the feet of the Cancel Culture Mob, Hyatt Hotels is declaring that conservatives have a right to have their say.

Gee… what a concept!

It is important to point out that since the last two years of slavery in America; the Republican Party has been the counter-culture.

The Republican Party was founded as a resistance to the Democrats’ established rules of slavery, and Frederick Douglas was at the helm of the party’s founding and efforts. Republicans continued to run against the social grain well into the civil rights era when it made equal rights a priority. It was the Republicans that pushed for women’s rights during the Women Suffrage Movement. It was Republicans that championed civil rights in the 1960’s.

Of course, the lying leftists have gone to great lengths to rewrite the history of Frederick Douglas and the Republican party with countless publications filled with pure lies and misinformation.

Over time, however, the left sold the idea that the right was the establishment entity in our culture using various ways and efforts.

The left did a good job of this during the Bush-era when it adopted a mask of being “anti-war” and tied everything wrong with America to military action, big oil, religious belief, corporate fat-cats, then used lies and spin to put Republicans at the center of it all.

This despite the fact that many of the failed policies were a consequential result of Democrats’ own ideas.

For example. The loose mortgage lending practices that inevitably lead to the economic collapse of 2008, were a direct result of legislation and policies enacted by Democrats in Congress and those who were in charge of the banking and finance committees. These committees were led by Democrats. President Bush went before these committees no less than nine times during his two presidential terms and warned them that such a collapse was highly possible. He was dismissed by Maxine Waters, Mel Watt, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd. They all insisted that no mortgage collapse was coming and that Bush we merely trying to ‘deny the dream of home ownership to people of color’.

Yes – preventing the mortgage collapse was racist!

These Democrats in-fact insisted that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack and blocked any and all attempts to fend off the coming mortgage meltdown.

This is just one example of how Democrats have become masters at blame shifting. I could fill pages with examples of failed Democrat policies for which they found ways to spin a narrative that it was those evil Republicans who did it.

Why are the Republicans now officially the resistance?

Just key up a topic. First Amendment – freedoms of speech, religion, right of assembly. Second Amendment – freedom to self-defense and gun ownership. Fourth amendment – right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, privacy of your personal information. Fifth amendment – right to due process. Tenth Amendment – expresses the principle of federalism, also known as states’ rights, by stating that the federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution, and that all other powers belong to the states.

The right to life. Preventing a government take over of your healthcare. On and on it goes.

The point is clear. Conservatives are the counter-culture on both a countrywide and global level. We are the real “Resistance.” We are the rebels, surrounded by a force whose primary goal is domination and subjugation.

This is much like it was at our founding, and our Constitution is the barrier between us and the people who would force their way on everyone. The barbarians are no longer at the gate. They are inside the fortress, and they intend to punish those who refuse to go along with their rules and demands.

We are the resistance.

1 thought on “We Are the Resistance”

  1. Patrick, once again, you have provided an enlightening and factual assessment of the current state of affairs! Thanks for sharing your insights Brother!
    I will Be sharing… #WeAreTheResistance

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